The Mystery of Central Asia – Gokturk runic artwork


The Mystery of Central Asia, 2020 Canvas, Acrylic, Gold, Silver 23 K / Diameter 74,5 cm Luxury artwork by Vera DG touches on the ancient history of Central Asia and the writing of the ancient Türks. As Sansara’s circle represents the chain of events, the “sun” of “Mystery of Central Asia” represents the gifts of […]

Wind of Change – Golden Modern Calligraffiti

Wind of change / Painting, 2018 Canvas, mixed media, gold, 51 cm diameter The wind of change brings luck and new opportunities, opening the windows wide into life unexpectedly. Location: Istanbul / Shipping: Worldwide Calligraffiti is a combination of signs of cultures and nations, which we combine on the emotional level, on the level of […]

Princess of Desert – Portrait in the style of Calligraffiti

Princess of Desert / Painting, 2018 Canvas, gold, mixed media, 80,5 cm diameter Represented by Aisha Alabbar Art Gallery, Dubai, UAE To purchase, please contact the Gallery We cannot know what secrets the woman of the East is hiding. The mystery remains incomprehensible. And even if we will divine all the signs of the universe, one […]

Old City – Calligraffiti by Vera DG

Old city – Abstract Calligraffiti / Painting Canvas, 51cm diameter, mixed media, gold Walking along the streets of the ancient city, inhaling the dust of times, we will never be able to see the truth. The world is so changeable. And these letters for a long time no one can read. Artwork decorated with a […]

Istanbul Night – Calligraffiti of Middle East

Istanbul Night/ Painting, 2018 Canvas, gold, mixed media, 70 cm diameter Represented by Aisha Alabbar Art Gallery, Dubai, UAE To purchase, please contact the Gallery The call of the muezzin as an arrow pierces the space, there are still ancient undisturbed letters, and everything that we know about ourselves will be covered by the mystery of […]

Eternal Love – Self portrait of an Artist in Calligraffiti style

Eternal Love/ Painting, 2018 Canvas, golden leaf, mixed media technique, 81 cm diameter Represented by Aisha Alabbar Art Gallery, Dubai, UAE To purchase, please contact the Gallery Love appears in different manifestations, like powerful energy it feeds all space around us and inside of us as physical embodiment. The biggest treasure is hidden inside of eyes.

The Middle East Collection by Vera DG

The Middle East Collection ‘Challenging Language’ by Vera DG consists of 8 artworks, which have made in the Modern Calligraphy and Calligraffiti Styles. Artworks are showcasing in Dubai at the exhibition ‘Reflections’ at Aisha Alabbar Art Gallery.

Group Art Exhibition ‘Reflections’​ in Dubai

Vera DG opened an Art Exhibition ‘Reflections’ in Dubai
‘Reflections’ is an exhibition at Aisha Alabbar Art Gallery, the main purpose of which is to show the different views of women artists on the role of women in society, breaking boundaries and creating new concepts that bring people, cultures, and traditions together.