The MUSE – Dancing Goddess. A Physical NFT with AR

The MUSE – Dancing Goddess. 2020A Physical NFT Calligraffiti, figurative painting, by Vera DGW150xH180 cm (59″x 70″), Italian canvas, mixed media (acrylic, graffiti markers, gold leaf 23K), Augmented Reality (AR) Over the past year, Vera DG has been working on augmented and virtual reality projects, combining traditional art forms such as painting and digital art […]

Gokturk Letters – Modern Runic Calligraffiti

Gokturk Letters, 2020 Canvas, Acrylic, Gold, Silver 23 K / Diameter 74,5 cm Luxury artwork by Vera DG touches on the ancient history of Central Asia and the writing of the ancient Türks. Location: Ukraine / Shipping: Worldwide

Welcome World! – Calligraffiti in Private Collection

Calligraffiti “Welcome to the World”/ Painting, 2017 Canvas, mixed media, W 90 x H 100 cm Location: Ukraine / PRIVATE COLLECTION On the canvas “Welcome to the World” we see prismatic constructions that symbolize the artificial world created by human beings, different signs and words as a meaning of communication and the world, also signs […]

The Mermaid – Colorful painting for your collection

The Mermaid/ Painting, 2018 Canvas, gold, acrylic and oil painting, 70 cm diameter The Mermaid is a fantastic creature. She looks like a modern girl for who has no fears and no barriers. Tattu on the back and blue hair is a symbol of freedom. Nothing is impossible for her, because she is a child […]

Princess of Desert – Portrait in the style of Calligraffiti

Princess of Desert / Painting, 2018 Canvas, gold, mixed media, 80,5 cm diameter Represented by Aisha Alabbar Art Gallery, Dubai, UAE To purchase, please contact the Gallery We cannot know what secrets the woman of the East is hiding. The mystery remains incomprehensible. And even if we will divine all the signs of the universe, one […]

Old City – Calligraffiti by Vera DG

Old city – Abstract Calligraffiti / Painting Canvas, 51cm diameter, mixed media, gold Walking along the streets of the ancient city, inhaling the dust of times, we will never be able to see the truth. The world is so changeable. And these letters for a long time no one can read. Artwork decorated with a […]

Calligraphy Abstract Expressionism

Calligraphy abstract expressionism/ Painting, 2017 Canvas, mixed media, 80×120 cm Black, gold, white are the most luxurious colors of calligraffiti art. Vera chose not only the rhythms of letters and words but also graffiti images and rhythms, that came from artist imagination. This painting tells us stories about the street art culture of the big […]

Aymana Moon

The philosophy of trans humanism is reflected in contemporary art.
Vera DG portrays a Human who is half a robot, half a woman, artist openly declares dreams of the immortality of mankind.

Never Give Up! The story of an artwork

The value of the picture in the message that I put into it: I want people to believe in themselves Human abilities are unlimited, never give up! Love is a force which can change the world – love to the world, to people, to oneself.